
Gaming Technology For Therapy

How many times have you struggled to complete a physical therapy program agreed with your therapist?  

 Introducing – LusioMATE  – a physical therapy ecosystem app with wearable sensors. The sensors attach to any part of the body and connect via bluetooth to an ever growing number of FUN exergames created to entertain and motivate Players through their tailor made PT programs. The app provides real time feedback and full remote monitoring capability ideal for tele-rehabilitation.

With the LusioMATE app being available for all Apple / Android devices and smart TVs, it’s a super versatile physical therapist in your pocket, usable in clinic, at home , anytime, anywhere.

Who Can LusioMate help?

Any aged group, of any physical capability, that requires PT to rehabilitate and / or improve quality of life, with a range of motion from 5 degrees, as prescribed by Physical Therapists. 

We are proud that we’ve been able to help clients aged from 4 to 94 achieve their Movement Goals, arising from a range of diseases, disorders, life stages and health goals.

MSK injuries, Stroke – Autism (ASD) – Parkinson’s – Chronic Pain – Aged Care -Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) – Spinal Injuries – Multiple Sclerosis – Weight Management/Fitness – Cerebral Palsy – Oncology – MND.


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Lusio Mate Rehab Assist
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LusioMate Player Package

LusioMate can be used at home as well as in clinics.

Included in your purchase you will receive the all-important LusioMate wearable controller and access to the therapy gaming platform, and all games for 12 months.

We also provide access to the clinician dashboard within the games, so Occupational and / or Physiotherapists are able to log in, create new prescriptions and monitor progress towards achieving physical therapy goals.

Games for all to engage with

At the heart of the LusioMATE ecosystem is a suite of FUN and ENGAGING games designed to play their part in motivating Players to achieve their Movement Goals. 

Whether the Player is 4 years old or 94, there’s a game to pique their interest and take them on a FUN and ENGAGING journey as they work on completing their PT program. Many of the games double up as both exergames and cognigames as they can be set to work on agreed Movement Goals – whether they be Gross or Fine motor – but also challenge the Player’s cognitive ability.

20+ exciting games for all ages.. and they are designing more all the time!



For more info and sales inquiry

Please contact Ms Rafizah Rashid