Bravada Life was started by long time physiotherapist, Ms Rafizah Abdul Rashid.   She saw the need to address products and services that are lacking for the disabled community in Singapore.

Bravada Life was started by long time physiotherapist, Ms Rafizah Abdul Rashid.   She saw the need to address products and services that are lacking for the disabled community in Singapore.

Bravada Life supplies a range of assistive technologies and living aid products, to help customers with mobility and more independent living.

    Bravada Life believes in bringing only the best quality assistive aids so our customers can lead better, independent lives.

    Our Vision
    Our Mission

    We continually aim to provide adaptive, inclusive and revolutionary products to help our customers lead more comfortable and independent lives.

    We continually aim to provide adaptive, inclusive and innovative products to help our customers lead more comfortable and independent lives.

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