Returns & Exchanges
We hope that you’re happy with your Friendly Shoes order.
If we have let you down, the product is not what you wanted, it doesn’t fit, you want another size, it is faulty, or you have just changed your mind, you can return or exchange your purchase.
You have 14 days from the original delivery date to contact our team regarding the return. Parcels received after this 14-day deadline will not be refunded or exchanged.
Returns must be unworn, unmarked, in the state you received them, and in the original packaging. If your item is not in immaculate condition it will be returned to you and a refund declined.
To qualify for a return or exchange, please ensure the following:
- You must return items in their original mint condition (with all original packaging and tags attached).
- The product was lightly used which means you’ve worn them inside, not outside the home, to assess their fit, comfort and ease of use.
- The product and the product packaging is in a resaleable condition.
- Shoe boxes are considered part of the product, and those returned unprotected will not be considered for exchange/ return.
- Sale items cannot be exchanged or refunded unless faulty.
- No refunds or exchanges will be processed after the 14-day timeframe.
The refund will be for shoes only. We would love to also offer free returns but this isn’t possible as a small business just yet. Therefore at the moment, return postage costs must be paid for by you. We recommend using a trackable delivery service with proof of postage. (eg JNT or Ninja Van)
All exchanges are based on stock availability. If the exchanged style is more or less than the original item, we will need to process a refund for this and the item will need to be reordered through our website.
For shoes purchased during a sale, please contact us if you need to exchange for a different size. Exchanges will be held at our warehouse, typically on Sunday afternoons. Kindly reach out to arrange a time.
International orders will be charged for shipping on exchanges.
To expedite returns or exchanges, please fill in the form below.
Alternatively you can email us at
Please be sure to include your name, address and order number inside your package so we can process your refund.